From the album cover: Bethany Nazarene College has for more than fifty years emphasized character, culture, Christ… and choral music. The college music program is epitomized in its a cappella choir. It annually tours the college educational zone,…
From the back of the album cover: Side 1: 1. I Love Thy Kingdom Lord: Hymn Tune "St. Thomas" Arranged by Noble Cain 2. I Have Lifted Up My Spirit: Aiblinger (1779-1867) Set to English words by John Forest 3. Come Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain: Noble…
This issue was published December 3, 1931. The Reflector was a student supported school newspaper for Bethany-Peniel College, which later became Southern Nazarene University. The publication served as an alternative student newspaper during the Great…
This is the first issue of the Reflector published November 5, 1931. The Reflector was a student supported school newspaper for Bethany-Peniel College, which later became Southern Nazarene University. The publication served as an alternative student…