Voices of Praise Side 2


Voices of Praise Side 2


From the album's back cover: 

     "THE "COLLEGIATE" QUARTET is a name which symbolizes enjoyment, music, and a spiritual blessing to thousands of people throughout the Midwest. Under the direction of the Public Relations Department of Bethany Nazarene College, this quartet has traveled since October of 1958 representing the college in churches and other groups across its educational zone.

     During its career with the college the quartet has sung predominantly in churches and youth gatherings of the Church of the Nazarene. These presentations have included the "Showers of Blessing" radio broadcast of the Church of the Nazarene, the "Texas Holiness Convention," revivals, youth camps, memorial services, dedication services, and college inspirational services. Some of its outside appearances have been "The International Convention" in Dallas, Texas, several District Kiwanis conventions, and innumerable local Kiwanis Club meetings. Outstanding times in other religious groups take in, the "Texas Baptist Laymen's Convention," and several "Youth For Christ" meetings. Whether singing in the home of one sick friend or in a municipal auditorium to fifteen thousand Kiwanians, there has always been a song to fit the need and the occasion.

     Singing with the quartet on the song "How Great Thou Art" will be heard the familiar voice of Rev. Curtis Smith, the Public Relations Director of Bethany Nazarene College. His life and testimony add a spirit to this song which cannot be replaced.

     Miss Sandra Browning, a music major from Tulsa, Oklahoma, accompanies the quartet in many appearances and is heard at the piano in the album.

     The baritone and anchor man for the quartet is Steve Brown from Bethany, Oklahoma. Steve also comes from a family of singers and is well versed in the music area. At present he is majoring in music education and plans to go into the field of teaching. Steve's sincerity and warmth of spirit have given him many friends wherever he has gone.

     The youngest member of the group is Harrell Lucky from Little Rock, Arkansas, singing second tenor. Harrell's enthusiasm and zeal have made his Christian testimony burn into the hearts of many young people. He received the call into religious music while a senior in high school, and is now studying in that field. At the end of his freshman year Harrell exhibited his potential by receiving the award for All-Around Freshman of his class.

     Danny Steele, from Coffeyville, Kansas presently occupies the first tenor position in the foursome. Although coming from a musical family and having much experience in that field, Danny has planned from early childhood to enter the ministry. While in college he has held several student offices including the Student Council Presidency in "the year 1959-60. Danny and Marshall, the bass, traveled together for four years in quartet work.

     Singing bass is Marshall Pryor from Shreveport, Louisiana. Marshall has been described by many as the "little man with the big voice". Being small of stature but big in heart and voice, he has won his way into the hearts of multitudes wherever the quartet has sung. Entering college in 1956, Marshall soon felt the call to preach and later to the mission fields for which he is now preparing.

     On this album the song styles are not professional nor are the voices highly trained. Most of the arrangements are original with this quartet. In devotion, in praise, or in testimony, whatever constitutes the message of the song, it is sung the way it is felt. These songs were recorded for one specific purpose: To preserve that which has once been a blessing in anticipation that it will again and again be a source of inspiration to those who listen.

Side 1:

     I. How Great Thou Art

     2. At The Altar

     3. A Mighty Fortress

     4. For All My Sin

     5. Do You Know My Jesus

     6. Glory, Glory, Clear The Road

Side 2:

     l. 'Tis Burning In My Soul

     2. Precious Lord, Take My Hand

     3. I Am A Pilgrim

     4. I'll Tell It Wherever I Go

     5. God Leads Us Along

     6. At The End Of The Road

With the sincere attempt to bless the hearts of many and with a consciousness of its limitations, the members of the "Collegiate" Quartet dedicate this album to the Glory of God, the building of His Kingdom, and the blessing of those who hear it."


BNC Collegiate Quartet



Original Format

LP Record


BNC Collegiate Quartet, “Voices of Praise Side 2,” Fred Floyd Archives, Southern Nazarene University, accessed March 11, 2025, https://archives.snu.edu/items/show/121.